World Climate in Year 3

Our new L.C.C topic is “Has Greece Always Been in the News?”

For part of our topic, we are going to exploring the climate in Greece and how this affects Greek people, the businesses and main industries in the country. Top start us off, we have been tracking the weather in Greece this week compared to the weather where we are… We’ve all decided we’d rather Greek weather than ours this week!



Year 2: Materials Experiment!

Over the past few weeks, Year 2 have been super scientists! We have been learning about the uses of everyday materials and their properties. We decided to conduct an experiment linked to our Three Little Pigs English topic. We had to design and build our own houses made of different materials. We then conducted our fair test to see if the Big Bad Wolf (a hairdyer) could blow our houses down! We kept the hair dryer the same distance away for each test, and checked if the house would survive for 30 seconds! We used the same settings for each house with the temperature and pressure to ensure our testing was fair. We then observed and noted down our results!

Can I identify and name a range of common animals including fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles?

This term we have been thinking about different animals and the hot and cold places in the world that they live.

We thought about the different types of animals and sorted them into different groups.

We then used Explorify to think about the different ways that animals move. We investigated how their bodies and movement help them balance and camouflage to hide from prey.

We also learned about the different seasons that we experience in our country. We made calendars to show how trees change throughout the seasons.